Design that uplifts the human condition makes for good architecture.
Design that inspires people, is a Great Environment.
Established in 2005 LIIKE is an international Helsinki-based creative design studio, focused on architecture, urbanism and visual design.
Design is a tool for solving existential problems, discovering new approaches to (re)design buildings and cities and key to ensure a smooth design and development process.
Going beyond convention we focus on outcomes regardless of scale. We celebrate excellence, are driven by curiosity, and focus on creativity.
Aiming for societal, environmental and economically sustainable solutions, our work is premised on teamwork, co-operation and developing synergy.
We aim to create places where you want to live.
As an expert in the emerging Circular Economy, LIIKE is an industry partner European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ReCreate*.
Lead by the University of Tampere, ReCreate closes the loop for concrete embarking on a new road to reusing precast structural components, instead of increasing landfills.
Together with our international partners, our expertise includes procedures for creating building stock inventories, modelling procedures for deconstruction, refurbishment and insight into the specifices of ReDesign using existing components and buidlings.
We are working to ReCreate the World for generational sustainability.
The *project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.